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吉林紫光苑大饭店 |
吉林紫光苑大饭店 jilin zi guang yuan hotel 吉林紫光苑大饭店建筑风格独特,现代时尚中凸显欧式浪漫风采。宴会厅,会议室,多功能厅,背景音乐播放设备均采用lax 产品,全面打造一个高专业水平的扩音听觉盛宴,从系统安装到最后系统整体效果,一系列服务都得到了客户的一致好评。 jilin zi guang yuan hotel has unique architectural style, highlighting european romantic style in modern fashion. the banquet hall, meeting room, multi-function hall, and background music playback equipment are all adopted lax products to create a highly professional audio-auditory feast. from the system installation to the final overall effect of the system, all services have been the customer's consistent high praise. |