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the opening and closing ceremonies of the 15th guangdong games

2018年8月8日,万众期待的广东省第十五届运动迎来最激动的时刻,lax作为扩声系统供应商,按国家级运动会标准打造,主题为“新时代、新广东、新肇庆”,彰显科技 艺术的强大魅力,向世界展示肇庆市美好的城市立体形象。

on august 8, 2018, the much-anticipated 15th guangdong provincial sports ushered in the most exciting moment. as a supplier of sound reinforcement systems, lax was built in accordance with the standards of the national sports games with the theme "new era, new guangdong, new zhaoqing" ", highlighting the powerful charm of technology art, to show the world the beautiful three-dimensional image of zhaoqing city. 

