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hua deng

这是纽约有史以来最大的灯展,由120多套生动活泼、绚丽斑斓的花灯打造的童话世界。活动以“hello panda”为主题,让熊猫化身友好交流的使者,使纽约当地民众近距离感受了中国传统彩灯文化的魅力,增添浓郁的中国文化元素。lax独家音响赞助,技术团队远赴纽约为活动保驾护航!

this is the largest light show in new york's history. it is a fairy tale world created by more than 120 sets of lively and colorful lanterns. with the theme of "hello panda", the panda was transformed into a messenger of friendly exchanges, allowing local people in new york to feel the charm of traditional chinese lantern culture at close range, adding rich chinese cultural elements. lax exclusive audio sponsorship, the technical team went to new york to escort the event! 

