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长沙《浏阳河上》大型田园花火实景剧 |
长沙《浏阳河上》大型田园花火实景剧 changsha "liuyang river" large-scale pastoral fireworks show lax助力大型田园实景情境演出《浏阳河上》,为观众上演一场精彩绝伦的视听盛宴。楼宇投影、80米水幕投影、40米机械升降及投影、程控威亚灯等,纷纷潜藏,只待一刻幻化成影——灯影、水影、楼影、火影、人影。整个演出现场交相辉映成一道理想中的浏河梦境。 lax assisted the large-scale pastoral scene performance "liuyang river" and staged a splendid audiovisual feast for the audience. building projection, 80-meter water screen projection, 40-meter mechanical lift and projection, and program-controlled via light, etc., all concealed, and only wait for a moment to transform into shadows-lamp shadows, water shadows, building shadows, naruto, and human shadows. the entire performance scene reflected each other into an ideal liuhe dreamland. |