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广东省省委办公大楼 |
广东省省委办公大楼 office building of guangdong provincial party committee lax成功中标广东省委办公大楼扩声系统工程,提供安全、高效、舒适和便捷环境的前提下,为求降低广东省委“新一号”的运行费用和提高运行管理的会议系统化水平,使新一号办公楼成为广东省标志性的智能化建筑。4 lax has successfully won the bidding for the sound system project of the guangdong provincial party committee office building. under the premise of providing a safe, efficient, comfortable and convenient environment, in order to reduce the operating cost of "new no.1" of the guangdong provincial party committee and improve the systematization level of operation management meetings, the new no.1 office building will become a landmark intelligent building in guangdong province. |